God loves you
unconditionally, no strings attached.
That's the good news.

In the wilderness, Jesus reminded us that people don’t live by bread alone.
Each week during Lent, we’ll reflect on what sustains us, based on the lectionary Gospel passage for Sunday.
I give you a new commandment, that you love one another. Just as I have loved you, you also should love one another.
John 13:34 (NRSVA)Every person is made in God's image and is of equal value
Everyone is welcome
The Methodist Church is committed to Justice, Dignity and Solidarity. We believe that all people are uniquely made in the image of God, and we aim to live this out in the Church and in our communities. This forms our Equality, Diversity and Inclusion (EDI) work.
God saw everything that he had made, and indeed, it was very good.
Genesis 1:31 (NRSVA)Net zero carbon emissions by 2030
Action for hope
The climate emergency is one of the most pressing concerns in the world today, but it is not merely a secular one. As Christians and Methodists we are called to care for God’s creation and challenge injustice, so climate concerns are inherently missional and part of our discipleship.
And what does the Lord require of you but to do justice, and to love kindness, and to walk humbly with your God?
Micah 6:8Challenging the injustices of the world
Seeking justice
As Christians we’re called to seek God’s justice. Justice that enables everyone, and all creation, to flourish. Justice that removes everything that diminishes people, that oppresses or exploits them. Justice that enables us all to grow in relationship with each other and with God.
I have called you friends.
John 15:15Building real friendships in diverse communities
Exploring spirituality
Methodists believe God is For All. Different people experience God in different ways – that's how God works! We love real conversations about life with diverse people, in unexpected places – like the Edinburgh Fringe, Silverstone Grand Prix, and your local coffee shop or pub. We're starting new kinds of communities exploring God together.
Latest News
We've laughed, cried, worshipped, created together
05 March 2025
"Relationship, authenticity, community and trust – that’s where our whole heart seemed to be this weekend”
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Lambeth Palace Meeting
05 March 2025
President of the Methodist Conference, the Revd Helen Cameron, and Vice-President, Carolyn Godfrey met with the Archbishop of York, Stephen Cottrell at Lambeth Palace
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No Other Land
04 March 2025
On Wednesday 28 February representatives from Methodist Church in Britain visited Susiya in Masafer Yatta, South Hebron Hills.
They were greeted by Ahmad, a teenager, who apologised that his Dad was unable to meet them because he was attending the Oscars ceremony.
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Latest blogs
Mary Bosanquet-Fletcher: Paving the way for female preachers
03 March 2025
Mary Bosanquet-Fletcher rejected her comfortable upbringing to set up an orphanage and school. In the late eighteenth century, she became one of the first female Methodist preachers and was instrumental in persuading John Wesley to allow women to be lay preachers. This is the first profile of prominent Methodist Women written to celebrate Women’s History month.
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How Cream Teas and scones created social connections
26 February 2025
In rural Denby Dale in the Yorkshire West Methodist District, Cream Teas is an initiative of the Denby Dale Centre that brings people together, offering them a warm space, warm conversations and tea and scones every week.
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Praying with a prisoner of war
20 February 2025
"The guards constantly kicked us, hit us…… but I met these guys who are like priests, and they helped me to understand that I can talk to God and ask him for help, ask him for support."
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Konstantin from Mariupol in Ukraine was a prisoner of war for more than three months, he is now being supported in Germany by the Methodist Church in Britain's partnership coordinator for Europe.
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Your local Methodist church is a place to feel at home and welcome.